If I could have a drink with any two men, dead or alive, it would be these two.
Neil Young broke my heart when I was young. His songs made me sad in what felt like such a grown up way. When I was about eight, I remember staring out the car window listening to him sing about needles and some how I knew exactly what he was talking about. I clenched my eyes tight, keeping the tears damned, wishing I would never have to experience that first hand.
Heart of Gold will always be on my top 10 favorite songs and I will always be a sucker for a man who plays guitar and harmonica.
Tom Waits appealed to the older me, with his too much whiskey and cigarettes growl. He seemed to be speaking about the exact things and people around me. Not belittling them, but not glorifying them either. He just told it how he saw it, how I saw it.
There is something about the way he tells stories that turns my heart inside out. I would probably kill a man if it meant I would get Tom to sit around a campfire with me.