Monday, June 21, 2010

You said yes.

I love looking through craigslist or ebay at the engagement/wedding rings for sale.
Not because I am a hopeless romantic and I am shopping for a ring of my own but
because I like the little reasons that the seller often adds for selling.

some examples:
-I'm very sad it has to go, but were on hold indefinitely so theres no point in hanging on to it.
-Never proposed to her --- held onto the ring.
-( the wedding is off in case your wondering)
-was from previous marriage dont need anymore want to get rid of.
-There is no bad story to go with this ring and the ring has NEVER been used or worn. I just had extra money awhile back and decided to spend it on something that could possibly be useful in the future rather then blow it. Well, now I have to move and need some cash for my i've decided to sell the ring.
-This ring was purchased but never presented
-only worn for a couple of weeks. Its too much for my taste...
-Was given to me as a gift but never fit my finger.
-I Bought this princess cut engagement ring for $4000 and never proposed with it. I need the $ and the ring is useless to me now.

Sure, there are your fair share of rings sold by bitter women, but I am always surprised at how many men are selling rings that they purchased and then never proposed.


I was once a mans baby girl,
his pride and joy, I think.
I have the photo to prove it.
He has me in his arms, stretched out,
held high, like a trophy.
A smile across his face that I don't really
know, don't really recognize.
He looks so happy.
I want so badly to see that man,
the one in the photo.
All that is left would be an empty shell
if it wasn't filled with a hermit.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Chap Chap Chappy

I was told it is a 1974 Yamaha Chappy.
I will have to do a little more research with the VIN.
It has pedals, which is awesome.
It needs some work though.
I am on the look out for the perfect fabric for the seat.
And my first priority really should be brakes.....

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


It is amazing what letting something off your chest that you have been holding on to for years does to you. Explaining yourself for your behavior after taking years to figure out why you acted or reacted the way you did. Sometimes you don't even realize how much you were holding in until you get started. Letting it out also made me realize things I didn't think of before. I still feel silly, but that's okay, that is what happens. Live, learn, grow.
Now I don't feel so awkward, which in turn will hopefully make everything else feel less awkward.
I am sorry for surprising you with heavy words. Thank you for listening, especially when I didn't even realize I needed to talk.

Record cover post cards

I got a few records at the thrift store and my dumb ass didn't check to make sure they weren't warped.
What do you know? They were.
Annoyed I left them on the porch, which just caused them to warp more and now I can't really use them for anything, so I threw them out.

I kept the covers, measured out postcard sizes and cut those babies up.
On the back I just drew out the lines for the address.
Stationary isn't cheap and now I don't feel like I wasted those few bucks.